Washi Tape

Goods Number: 9803, 9807, 9814, 9830, 9860
• Can be removed cleanly without leaving residue.
• Provides reliable adhesion to a variety of surfaces.
• High-Temperature Resistance
• UV Resistance
• Color: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple


Washi Tape

 Washi tape is specially designed for both interior and exterior applications in construction.
 Ideal for precision masking in general and spray painting tasks.
 Masking off areas to create sharp paint lines and clean edges on walls and ceilings that involve painting, coating, or surface treatment.

Product Number Color Adhesive Thickness Adhesion Tensile Strengh Temperature Resistance  ˚C UV Resistance
mm mil
N/25mm N/cm
9803 和紙膠帶 Water-based acrylic 0.100 4.00 ≥2 ≥30 100˚C * 1H 3 Days 
9807 和紙膠帶 Water-based acrylic 0.100 4.00 ≥2.5 ≥30120˚C * 1H 7 Days
9814 和紙膠帶 Water-based acrylic 0.105 4.20 ≥1.5 ≥30 100˚C * 1H 14 Days
9830 和紙膠帶 Water-based acrylic 0.105 4.20 ≥2 ≥30 120˚C * 1H 30 Days
9860 和紙膠帶 Water-based acrylic 0.105 4.20 ≥2 ≥30 150˚C * 1H 60 Days